
© Ian Searle

Gateway and Independent Project Reviews

MacWilliams Consulting has delivered over 100 Gateway and Independent project reviews across a wide range of public sector organisations including The Scottish Government, The Welsh Assembly, Highland Council, Highlands and islands Enterprise and Transport Scotland.The aim of every single review has been to increase the likelihood of the successful delivery of the project’s intended benefits.

Project Management

MacWilliams Consultancy is highly experienced in supporting the delivery of programmes and projects. This can be achieved through the provision of direct project management expertise or establishing an external Project Management Office function.

Financial Due Diligence

MacWilliams Consulting can provide a broad range of financial due diligence and financial assessment services. Many such assignments have been undertaken on behalf of Highlands and Islands Enterprise and other agencies in relation to funding applications.

Human Resources Consultancy Services

MacWilliams Consulting is able to offer interim and project based support providing diagnostic support and HR leadership to your organisation. This can supplement your existing team and in-house knowledge or bring expertise in when you need it.